Review: Mesa on 51
February 12th, 2025
Economy rice with some Penang Nyonya influences: You'll find daily dishes galore for your chap fan fix (even after 2pm on a weekday)
This Thai vegetarian restaurant offers enough to entice - the deep-fried 'pomfret' is strikingly shaped to resemble
Furnished with foliage and fuelled by Korean fusion fare, Powerplant channels a cheeky sense of fun.
The folks of Yuk Bebek definitely are no quacks - they're armed with recipes by an Indonesian chef with 25 years of experience.
Littlepeople looms large as more than a blip on the cake-and-caffeine stalker's radar
A calm haven for devotees of traditional Chinese tea, with a sweeping selection available for a painstaking stint
8 Jugra's chief allure is its unique setting, evoking a restaurant in a cottage, balanced somewhere between rustic and elegant.
Right here in Malaysia, you can spice up the Songkran season with a visit to one of these Thai restaurants that showcase a selection of curries worth celebrating
Fresh bread and pastries are baked with love at these 16 independent cafes
De' Tulang Merah relies on spice mixes brought in from Singapore to create its signature indulgence - the sup tulang merah
If you're craving creamy comfort, Chang Thai promises hearty helpings of Thai curries.
Trying out take away meals from Ampersand and Cafe 5 this CNY
It's definitely a dog-eat-dog world out there, but here inside OUG's latest cafe, the innocent bliss of puppy love